Winter in London is a claustrophobia of darkness. The night crowds out the day. Cloud cover and mist linger for weeks at a time; the water fowl in St. James Park huddle pathetically on the banks of the pond while pink-footed gulls skitter over the ice-crusted surface. By January, I was desparate to escape.
The National Film Theatre put on a Buster Keaton Festival with live piano. At the time, I'd never seen a Buster Keaton film. I went to The General out of curiosity. And then I went to another and then another. Until I was living from Keaton film to Keaton film, spending all my extra pounds and pence into the pursuit of just another couple of hours with him. His universe was in a state of entropy, and yet he kept on, undaunted, or perhaps because he simply didn't know what else to do. And then there was his face, haunted and still as a daguerreotype, strangely beautiful, the most ravishing man I'd ever seen. I would sit in the theatre and while laughing, would pine for this dead man. He soon came to occupy my daily thoughts and I determined that I would find a man with such a transcendent face.
I found one. I acquired a man with a face that made me nervous and wistful. Blue eyes in a dark, Spanish face. I often felt self-conscious walking next to him because I felt he made me look plain. We spent time in London, Prague, Vienna and Budapest. It was wonderful, carefree. In Bulgaria, it wasn't as easy. By the time we tried to transfer it to the U.S., it was going downhill. But I couldn't let go of his face. It was bad hoodoo. He wasn't what I needed in more ways than one. I stayed miserable longer than I should've because I was bewitched by his beauty.
The next one I dated was less attractive. It was still a mess. I learned from it, but he's honestly somebody whose warning signs I should've seen much earlier. I remember thinking to myself, "This guy seems really unstable." And yet, I proceeded.
And now what? I'm nursing a couple of crushes, but they'll probably come to nothing. I've got no confidence in my judgement. I feel like I should be assigned a boyfriend by someone who knows better.
Happy Valentine's Day.